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Wall Art ideas

Requested in Home & Garden by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

4 Ideas

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There are a number of companies that allow people to create a variety of stick-on wall art such as murals and decals. Although there is the temptation to make wall art of family photographs, some sort of abstract design or a great view you photographed during a vacation is usually best. The photograph usually comes off as narcissistic and so is usually considered just tacky. An abstract design, however, can be made to emphasize almost any decor, allowing for pictures and other decorations. They are also easy to create once you know the theme of the room in question. The designs can be made to connect the rooms of the house. It may get a little pricey but it will be worth it.

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edited by a contributor

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If you're a big sports fan, your wall would probably look great with letter art produced by MVP Pics. They created these framed works for pro sports teams and colleges.  Each one has the team nickname or college name spelled out using landmarks from the city where the team is located. For instance, for the Nationals the "A" is represented by the top of the Capitol building and the "I" is represented by a picture of Washington Monument.
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Wall decals can be a great addition to a child's room. For instance, they make these nice ones that really add some life by depicting a couple trees with branches hanging off to the side. The trees are light and the rest of the background is dark on these particular ones.
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Don't settle for your typical drab wall.  You could add a lot of life to it by mounting large interlocking puzzle pieces on it. Brown, beige, gray, and dark blue work well but you can experiment with all sorts of colors of jigsaw pieces. It can make for an eclectic design and really attract the attention of your guests.
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)

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