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Toy ideas

Requested in Shopping by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

7 Ideas

+1 vote

There's such a multitude of toys out there that choosing the best ones can be confusing, regardless of age.

Infant toys should encourage hands-on discovery that tickles the senses. Lamaze garden bug wrist rattles and the Baby Einstein Neptune Soother are both popular options for babies.
Games that promote both fun and learning are popular for ages 6-10. Quirkle and Perplexus both score high on children's wish lists and they're fun for the whole family.
For young teens tech toys are all the rage. An iPod, Nintendo Wii U or tablet such as the Kindle Fire are all great choices.
Shared by Ellen (1,290 points)

0 votes
Crossbow Kite

An extension of the crossbow fishing pole idea.

For days when you can't get a kite aloft because the ground level wind isn't strong enough, or you just don't feel like running around trying to get it to take flight, the Crossbow Kite would make life easier. At rest it would be folded like an umbrella. When you shot it into the air it would stay folded until the end of the line was reached, at which point the sudden stop would snap it open. Then you could hand it to your child and let them play with it while you just laid down in the grass and watched.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Talking Dolls
Teach them what you want them to say.

I was watching American Inventor the other night and one of the inventions was a multi-cultural doll that could speak pre-recorded phrases in 3 languages. When I googled "talking dolls" I found out there are voice-recognition ones out on the market now (they recognize their "mommy's" voice) and object recognition ones. I didn't see any that would let you record your own messages (in whatever language or dialect you choose - think southern US and the plural of y'all - alls y'all) so they could be made more specific for your child.

Several options could be included. One would be a voice converter that could change a father's voice into a girl's voice so the dad could record messages for his daughter. Another would be a remote that linked certain messages with a number on the remote. For instance, pressing #1 would get the doll to say "Please put me away. If you don't I'll run away." Okay, that would be a little cruel, but you get the point.
Shared by JFR (6,080 points)
0 votes
Thing of the Month: Instead of Book of the Month Club have a subscription toy service. Kids would get new collections of toys. Some of the educational toys could be things like microscope slides or anatomy models.
Shared by monthclub (140 points)
0 votes

Bataka bats for computers so you can take out your frustration on them using your Nerf clubs. angry

Shared by r4gh4v (220 points)
0 votes
Invent a seesaw with movable weights so adult and child can be evenly balanced.
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)
0 votes
Create toy libraries where kids can check out toys and then return them to try out others.
Shared by Argo (2,640 points)

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