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Solar Energy ideas

Requested in Science & Technology by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

8 Ideas

0 votes

A practical way to use the power of the sun is to let it do the hard work of desalination for you. 

Instead of using costly filters and centrifuge processes, simply pump salt water into shallow trays with a piece of glass in a frame above it. If the glass it tilted at an angle it will catch the sunlight, concentrate it on the water in the trays, and catch the water mist as the sun evaporates the brine. The water will trickle down the glass into a collection system. The salt and all contaminants are left behind in the tray, where they can be cleaned out as necessary. 
This process produces pure distilled water without the use of gas or electricity. The heat of the sun does all the hard work. The beauty of this technique is that it works on both the small scale and the large. This can produce enough fresh water to feed your garden or an entire town.
Shared by Ellen (1,290 points)

0 votes
Magnetic Trash Collection

Slowly cleaning up space.

This would simply be the invention of a satellite that used solar power to maintain its orbit and collect the garbage that's floating around up there. The garbage collection method would take two passes to complete a cycle. During the first orbit the satellite would release clouds of magnetic tape fragments (sticky on one side, magnetized on the other). On the second pass it would turn on a magnet to attract these pieces into an onboard bin where the tape would be stripped off for recycling and the trash compacted for later disposal (via ejection into the atmosphere where it would be incinerated). The cycle would keep being repeated until the sun could no longer provide enough power for the satellite to stay aloft, at which time it would dispose of itself through atmospheric incineration.
Shared by a contributor
edited by Dreamer
0 votes
Huge lenses, essentially big magnifying glasses, placed over solar panels should make solar energy more efficient by concentrating the sun's rays.
Shared by Spagnot2 (180 points)
0 votes
Use solar power to develop inverter batteries.
Shared by r4gh4v (220 points)
0 votes
Why not make solar-powered trains? They have solar glass now at Massey University in New Zealand and flexible solar panels.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Reduce property taxes on properties that use solar panels or wind generators.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Install cars with a solar-powered air con unit that kicks in when the engine is off and won't allow the air inside to reach more than 30°C.
Shared by Argo (2,640 points)
0 votes
Add solar panels to street lights.
Shared by a contributor

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