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Religion ideas

Requested in Society & Politics by JFR (6,080 points)
edited by Dreamer

6 Ideas

+1 vote
A book that just has advice from different religions.
Shared by LWBaum (5,620 points)

0 votes
God's Top Ten

Songs that is, not commandments.

It occurred to me while sitting in church the other day listening to the parishioners and choir sing a hymn that many people there probably had a favorite hymn. That got me to wondering about what other religions sing so I asked a Hindu I know. Turns out they sing during their services too. Now this isn't a call for a list but it might be interesting to have each religion pick their top 10 hymns (or whatever the equivalent word for their sacred songs are) and put them all together into a common song book for the world to enjoy. We might have to substitute the label their God goes by in different versions (example - God for Allah and Allah for God) but musical praise is musical praise and God might appreciate it if for once we were all singing the same song.
Shared by JFR (6,080 points)
0 votes
So many of the Catholic saints weren't saints at all. If they've been less than saintly then they aren't worthy. I think they should review their history and remove them from the list when that's the case. Let's have the figures we're modeling ourselves after actually live up to the billing.
Shared by JFR (6,080 points)
0 votes
Religious Licenses

Regarding the woman in Florida who insisted she should be allowed to wear a veil for religious reasons when her picture was taken for a driver's license. Response: Let her. Then every time a crime is committed by someone wearing a mask bring her in as a suspect. Judging by eyes only, she might have done it.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
570 year religious cycles (more or less)

1750 BC. . . . . Hinduism


1200 BC. . . . . Rise of Olmec Civilization

1113 BC. . . . . Angkor Wat (Built by Suryavarnam II whose birth was 1113)

1100 BC. . . . . Zorastrianism (Roughly the time of Zarathustra's birth . . . "the date given by a Greek author named Diogenes Laertius, who states that 'Zoroaster lived six hundred years before Xerxes' invasion of Greece', that is 1080 BCE") (Interestingly, the Zorastrians put his birth right around the time of the next cycle, 500 BC)


560 BC . . . . . Buddhism (Buddha's birth)

551 BC . . . . . Confucianism (Confucius birth)

534 BC . . . . . Thespis ("The "inventor of tragedy" was born in Attica, and was the first prize winner at the Great Dionysia in 534 BC. He was an important innovator for the theatre, since he introduced such things as the independent actor, as opposed to the choir, as well as masks, make up and costumes."

530 BC . . . . . Pythagoras ("Originally from Samos, Pythagoras founded at Kroton (in southern Italy) a society which was at once a religious community and a scientific school.

500 BC . . . . . Rise of Hopewell Civilization (Ohio and Mississippi River valleys - lasted 1000 years)


0 BC . . . . . . . Christianity (Christ's birth)


570 AD . . . . . Islam (Mohammed's birth)


1100 AD. . . . . Rise of Incan Civilization in Peru

1140 AD. . . . . Reason added as a way to know the existence of God. St. Anselm (ca. 1033-1109): St. Anslem's Argument. "Abelard, Peter (1079-1142): One of the first Western philosopher-theologians to emphasize the works of Aristotle. Dialectic Method: The technique used by Abelard in seeking truth. Questions are raised, and several possible answers to those questions are explored. The technique is similar to Popper's approach to science, where possible solutions to a problem are proposed and then critically examined. Lombard, Peter (ca. 1095-1260): Argues that God can be known through the Scriptures, through reason, or by studying nature. Insisted that God could be known through faith, reason, or the study of his work in nature. Averroës (1126-1198): An Arabic scholar who attempted to make Aristotelian philosophy compatible with the Muslim religion."

1150 AD. . . . . Rise of Aztec Civilization in Mexico

1162 AD. . . . . Mongol Empire (Genghis Khan's birth)

1225 AD. . . . . St. Thomas Aquinas ("Aquinas, who is most renowned for his Five Ways of Proving the Existence of God, believed that both faith and reason discover truth, a conflict between them being impossible since they both originate in God.")


1724 AD. . . . . Immanuel Kant (The Critique of Pure Reason - "A large part of Kant's work addresses the question "What can we know?" The answer, if it can be stated simply, is that our knowledge is constrained to mathematics and the science of the natural, empirical world. It is impossible, Kant argues, to extend knowledge to the supersensible realm of speculative metaphysics. The reason that knowledge has these constraints, Kant argues, is that the mind plays an active role in constituting the features of experience and limiting the mind's access to the empirical realm of space and time."

1732 AD. . . . . Deism (George Washington's birth). English Deists were Anthony Collins (1676-1729), Matthew Tindal (1657-1733). J.J. Rousseau (1712-1778) and F.M.A. de Voltaire (1694-1778) were its leaders in France. Many of the leaders of the French and American revolutions followed this belief system, including John Quincy Adams, Ethan Allen, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison Thomas Paine, and George Washington. Deists played a major role in creating the principle of separation of church and state, and the religious freedom clauses of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

1770 AD. . . . . Hegel: More on Hegel ** It's probably too soon to tell which will be the hallmark of our current era, deism, where God is off in the distance just watching things, or communism, where there isn't a God to do any watching.


2302 AD. . . . . Note #1: It's interesting that the Phoenix myth also says the Phoenix dies and is reborn once every 500 years (at the changing of epochs). Note #2: The number of items above might have obscured the main point so here it is in its condensed form - the general concept of man's relationship with god is changing on a periodic basis. It's gone from a) man to many gods, b) man to one god, c) man to no god. The question is, what will the next paradigm be - no man to no god? Oddly enough this is what some physicists are beginning to suspect with their theory that this universe is a simulation. Note #3: A recent theory making the rounds suggests that a super-intelligent race created the universe and it's all just a simulation. If true, then maybe the length of a day for this race is equivalent to 600 years from our perspective. In that case the paradigm shifts would be just tweaks in the model.
Shared by TRK (1,600 points)
0 votes
Why not a service where you can send prayers and text messages to God, whoever they believe him/her to be. Stop the presses if they get texts back! Ha
Shared by Dreamer (8,670 points)
Or texts to priests and all. Probably been done before but it's a thought.

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