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Pet Invention ideas

Requested in Home & Garden by a contributor
edited by Dreamer

3 Ideas

0 votes
Make a little doggy doorbell for when you don't have a doggy door. That way instead of scratching the door to let you know they want in you could train them to push a paw-height panel to activate a wireless doorbell in the house. Make it say "good dog!" when they press it.
Shared by a contributor

0 votes
Premium bottled water purified with vitamins and minerals for healthier dogs and cats. Must exist but expand the market. A lot of pet owners spare no expense pampering their pets.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Put pet toys in the dog food bag or pet bowl/pet food container the same way they do in cereal boxes for kids.
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)

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