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Outdoors ideas

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edited by Dreamer

1 Idea

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Intelligent Binoculars

See only what you want to see.

All good image editing programs let you select the background and make it transparent so you can put a picture on a webpage without brining along its background. Intelligent binoculars that could do something similar would be useful. Instead of selecting the background you wanted to delete though, you'd move a cursor onto whatever you wanted to single out on the image coming in through the lens. Once you'd picked your target you'd click a button to start tracking it. As soon as the binoculars could determine at least a partial outline of the object based on its movement it would white-out everything else coming in through the lens leaving only the your target in the picture.

An example: Suppose you picked a bird and the only thing you could see was its head sticking out from behind a tree. The binoculars would isolate that head as soon as it moved and put it on top of a white background. If the bird started to fly away then the image would be adjusted to include the rest of its body based on logic built into the binoculars software program.

There'd be other uses for something like this besides birdwatching too. Rifle scopes could easily be enhanced with this feature once the imaging program was written, giving both hunters and soldiers and advantage out in the field.
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