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Landscaping ideas

Requested in Home & Garden by TakeFive (8,280 points)
edited by Dreamer

4 Ideas

0 votes
Illuminating a yard is the ideal way to add visual interest at night. Brighten walkways by placing solar stake lights around the paths at equal distances. Highlight features such as statues and fountains by directing low-intensity spotlights on them. Shrubs and plants can be illuminated with low lights placed behind the greenery. For romantic hideaways like garden benches use blue tinted lamp lights to generate a soft glow. Consider how the light will affect each area. Experiment with shadows to create interesting patterns.
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)

0 votes
The first impression of any home depends on its architectural design and the landscaping. Essentially there are several styles of landscaping that will enhance the overall look of your home. Trees provide basic shade to your house but don't underestimate how they affect the look of your yard. For instance, tamarack trees add a distinctive feel but require more care when your yard is littered with needles. Larger shrubs near the house are a popular touch and can be pruned all year long.

A low-maintenance garden is ideal both for upkeep and resale value. You never know if the next owner will be an avid gardener. Add life to your front porch with colorful and attractive pots and plants that grow well for your particular climate. Clean edges along the flower bed are especially important to ensure a neat and fresh appearance. Have fun with it and let your personality shine through when you select your flowers!
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Glow-in-the-Dark Lawns

Choose your favorite color.

I was reading an article about how tobacco plants were made to glow green and thought there might be a commercial application for this invention. Since they already know how to do the genetic tinkering involved they just have to come up with a palette of colors for you to choose from and modify grass the same way. Your neighborhood could have lawns that glowed blue, red, or yellow at night (conservative types could have theirs glow green).
Shared by JFR (6,080 points)
edited by Dreamer
0 votes

No way! Does that really work? No more mowing the lawn. Just put it on auto-pilot. Jenius!!!!!!

Shared by a contributor

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