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Garden ideas

Requested in Home & Garden by Ellen (1,290 points)
edited by Dreamer

2 Ideas

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A garden can be a beautiful part of your property if you take good care of it. I myself know that for a fact as I take care of the gardens around my house regularly. Just this summer my parents and I went to the local gardening store to pick out some flowers to add and I choose some brilliantly colored annuals (white, red, orange, and violet) that I thought would look great. We also have some white impatiens and delphiniums which I water regularly.

In addition to all the flowers, you can make your property look attractive by putting in a brick or stone walk. Besides the materials, the shape of the road itself is important - it can enclose part of the garden and have maybe a bench or a gazebo nearby.

If you are lucky enough to live in on a hilly property (the slope should be one inch per ten feet), then you may be able to add a stream to your garden. Such a stream needs to be designed in a way that takes local rain patterns into account; too much rain can flood the property facilities.
Shared by Ellen (1,290 points)

0 votes
When hanging your windchimes up you can have like the jellyfish on a hook that hooks to your wind chimes or your bird feeder. It looks really cute in your garden. The humming birds looks lovely to. Instead of the old hook and clothes hangers you can have something really pretty that hangs with the wind chimes or bird feeder.
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