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Fast Food ideas

Requested in Cooking & Food by a contributor
edited by TakeFive

14 Ideas

+1 vote

This is a cool idea to maximize your meal for your money but I want to be able to go to Taco Bell and just say "I've got $5, I want a large drink (your choice). Surprise me with the rest." They hit the Suprise Me button on the register and that is has to include a large drink and TB randomly chooses it all for me. I think that's right up Taco Bell's alley. How about it? Mix it up.

Shared by Dreamer (8,670 points)

0 votes
Why not add beer to the menu at fast food places? No brainer. Burger King, Long John Silvers and Starbucks are now testing it out at a few restaurants each across the nation and Sonic is looking to do the same. Burger King, however, is running into opposition from the Florida government which is trying to block their "Whopper Bars."
Shared by a contributor
edited by Dreamer
0 votes

At first glance In-N-Out restaurants out west have just 4 menu items plus drinks. But there's a secret underground menu with a whole array of widely unknown items:

  • You can order a Flying Dutchman or animal-style burger
  • Milkshakes can be ordered swirl- or neapolitan-style by mixing flavors together
  • Fries can be ordered well done, light or animal-style
  • Burgers can be customized (for instance a two-by-three is two patties and three cheese slices) or ordered protein-style (enclosed in lettuce instead of a bun) or with extra toast
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches, fried mustard, and veggie burgers are also on the down-low
Shared by TRK (1,600 points)
0 votes
Automated drive-thru stations at fast food places allowing you to place your order using a touchscreen/keypad. The order would then be sent straight to the person making the food and you'd get an order number. The cashier just matches up the order #'s and then gives the customer the right order.
Shared by LQSimkins (140 points)
0 votes
Drive-thru healthy food restaurants that give you info on how each item on the menu is compatible with Weight Watchers, Atkins and other diets and includes full nutritional info on the menu. Could sell bagged lunches too.
Shared by dramtamw (140 points)
0 votes
Try more toys in McD's Happy Meals that keep kids active like balls, tiny water guns, mini frisbees, and jump rope.
Shared by PLH (140 points)
0 votes
There's a Burger King here with a TV on the wall so we can all watch The Young & The Restless eating lunch. Why don't all fast food places have those?
Shared by Dreamer (8,670 points)
0 votes
So sick of missing the 10:30 cutoff for breakfast at the fast food places. Why's Sonic the only one serving breakfast around the clock? Huh dopes?
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)
0 votes
Snagged some M&M's at the store and had them with my breakfast burrito. Got me thinking... Screw hash browns, McD's should have M&M's as a breakfast side item! heh
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Chester's popcorn side item at McD's
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
All fast food joints should have electronic jukeboxes with all the latest hits instead of the lame music they play at a lot of these places.
Shared by IdeaDude (1,350 points)
0 votes
WTF Went to a Taco Bell and McDonald's today that had no power plugs! Execs b punk'n us! Take care of yo peeps who need to charge their phones and get on da net with their laptops!
Shared by Dreamer (8,670 points)
0 votes
Uh duh, BK is so much cooler. Burger King is so lame and long. Change the name like they did with KFC.
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)
0 votes
Fast food places should have skee ball and games shooting hoops like they have at Chuck E. Cheese. Why aren't our kids having more fun at fast food restaurants? It's a freaking joke!
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)

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