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Car Invention ideas

Requested in Science & Technology by BSalisbury (160 points)
edited by Dreamer

38 Ideas

+1 vote
FRONT brake lights on cars. That way bikers, pedestrians, and other cars would be able to see if a car coming towards them is slowing down or not.
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0 votes
Build a system into cars that connects to the gas pump through wifi. It would automatically transmit your credit card number, the amount of gas needed to fill up the tank (or however high you set it to be filled), and the type of fuel needed when you drive up. Also, speed up the fuel flow if that's possible. Save a ton of time we've been wasting at gas stations.
Shared by BSalisbury (160 points)
0 votes
Axle Heaters

Here's a way out of the snow or off of the ice - axle heaters - when you turn on your engine it would heat the axles (and the tires connected to them) to about 120. That should help melt the ice under the tires so you can get the car moving again. If you've already spun the tires enough to dig in and leave the car sitting helplessly on a block of snow, they would also melt the snow under the axles. The axles could be even hotter if we wanted - the failure point in tires is around 200 degrees so 140 or 150 should be no problem. Normal heaters, RF emitters, or modified ultrasonic welders could be used to get the heat where it's needed.

Speaking of RF emitters, they could be attached to the inside of gutters on a device that would swing up out of the way when not in use and swing down when they were needed. The heat from them could at least clear away the ice blocking the opening to the gutter, giving somewhere for the melting ice to go.
Shared by JFR (6,080 points)
0 votes
Car Sunbrellas

A multi-purpose shade

This device would be clamped on the roof of your car just like a regular rack. A button on it, easily accessible from the window on the driver's side, would extend a 3-foot section of tinted plexiglass at a slightly sloping angle (to maintain stability). The plexiglass would serve several purposes.

1. During a rainstorm it would keep most of the rain from reaching your windshield, giving you better visibility.

2. On sunny days it would cut down on the glare coming off of your hood.

3. For states here in the US that don't allow tinted windows, it would provide some tinting for people who are constantly on the road and want to cut down their risk of skin cancer.

4. In the winter it could be extended when you park the car at night to keep you from having to scrape ice off of your windshield in the morning.

When considering the invention, keep in mind this sunbrella would be built as strong as a typical spoiler to keep it from blowing off while you're driving along. If necessary, narrow slots running side to side could be added to decrease wind resistance. Small, awning-like covers angled towards the rear of the car would keep rain from coming down through them. If the awnings were designed to curve downwards then that might direct enough of the airflow back towards the sunbrella to offset the lift generated by air passing through the slots.
Shared by JFR (6,080 points)
0 votes
A custom car horn that you can record your voice onto. So when you honk it will pump up the volume on it and say something like "Coming through!" or "Get out of the way!"
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0 votes
Smart cards are being embedded in car license plates (and numberplates in other countries) in many places so the cities can quickly retrieve info about the vehicle and owners. They could enhance it to track the car's speed and automatically mail tickets to speeders.
Shared by Sumanex (760 points)
Yeah, that's just what we need. More Big Brother. I can definitely see a new market opening up for license plate covers that would jam the signal coming from the smart card. I used a plate cover to block the speeding cameras for years. But it makes sense. If it means less hours wasted by cops sitting around with a radar gun I'm all for that.
0 votes
Frosted glass technology for cars. Press a button and the windows turn opaque when your car's outside. That way thieves can't see the contents and it keeps the sun out.
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0 votes
There should be hidden cameras, or audio devices at the least, in cars in the driver's side window, the trunk and the glove compartment. During police stops you could activate them and the video would be emailed to you and your lawyer automatically.
Shared by lbjawan (140 points)
0 votes
Add a button to remote-control keychains to switch on the A/C before you get to the car. Then you wouldn't get that big blast of heat when you get into the car on a a hot day after it's been parked in the sun.
Shared by nitin_kale (140 points)
0 votes
A speedometer the beeps when you pass the speed limit and you'd be able to adjust it to different limits.
Shared by rao b (620 points)
0 votes
In the back windshield of cars put an electronic sign the driver would control with a keypad. He could choose to send messages like "Your lights are off," "Thanks for letting me in," "Please keep a safe distance," etc.
Shared by LWBaum (5,620 points)
0 votes
A car that changes colors. The "skin" of the car would be clear and filled with different-colored fluids. At the touch of a button you could remove and replace them.
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0 votes
A clear plastic curtain with a zipper to separate the front seats and the back seats of the car. Save on the a/c cost when no one's in the back seat.
Shared by Sumanex (760 points)
0 votes
A device in cars to automatically sound the horn if it detects a car or person a certain distance in front.
Shared by ihlshatheesh (140 points)
0 votes
Would it be cheaper for the car makers to make new models every 3 years instead of every year?
Shared by mosjerm (140 points)
0 votes
Wifi sensors in car tires that would transmit the tire pressure to a central computer so you know when it's too low.
Shared by wearley26 (680 points)
0 votes
What if cars had magnetic bumpers to prevent accidents? Front and back to repel other cars that would've crashed into them.
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0 votes
Build a feature into cars that automatically lowers the headlights if the high beams are turned on and it detects something directly in front of the car. Then turn them back on automatically when it's clear again.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
A display you stick near your car radio that detects the song playing on the radio and uses your cell signal to tap into a database and show the song/artist.
Shared by IdeaDude (1,350 points)
0 votes
Radio playing at every pump when you go to fill up for gas. Could have a few presets to choose from (maybe have the local stations bid to be one of the choices).
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)
0 votes
Build opposing magnets into car doors so the metals will repel when you open the door close to other parked cars.
Shared by TakeFive (8,280 points)
0 votes
Design car hood logos that would go down hidden into the car body (just like radio antennas) when the car is left in the parking lot.
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0 votes
A remotely-operated climate control system for cars that can be activated 5 minutes before you get in.
Shared by Argo (2,640 points)
0 votes
Fit a device to a car that automatically stores the 5 seconds of info before the airbag was deployed.
Shared by Argo (2,640 points)
0 votes
Add a dashboard display which shows the fuel and wear & tear cost of the trip.
Shared by Argo (2,640 points)
0 votes
A system that lets drivers download horn sounds the same way you download ringtones for phones. Then your horn can say "Looking fine as fuck beotch!"
Shared by Argo (2,640 points)
0 votes
Create a compartment in cars that shoots salt in front of the wheels to help driving in icy conditions.
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0 votes
Center brake light that shows the LEVEL of deceleration based on color or a strength indicator.
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0 votes
Transmit air pressure in each tire, oil level, brake fluid level and radiator fluid level to the gas pump at gas stations through RFID when you pull up. Then you'd know what to inflate/fill up while waiting for your gas tank to fill up. Having properly-inflated tires would improve your mileage. Your mileage would improve by having your tires properly inflated all the time.
Shared by TakeFive (8,280 points)
0 votes
An early warning brake light... If the driver totally takes his foot off the gas there could be an indicator/tail light that turns yellow or something that would give a heads-up that the driver might be about to brake.
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0 votes
Have the stereo system in a oar automatically retrieve the most recent traffic report from some radio station. Keep the most recent report in memory so you can always play it on demand in between songs on the radio or CD.
Shared by TakeFive (8,280 points)
0 votes
A digital readout next to the speedometer showing the current speed limit wherever you're driving. It would wireless sync up automatically with microchips embedded in the speed limit signs.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Cellphone boosters integrated into every car so you don't have probs with bad cell signal when you're using your phone in the car.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Smart car keys coded for each driver... They'd store the preferences of each driver (radio stations, fan setting, mirror alignment, seat position, etc.). Parents could also program controls like certain times their kids could drive.
Shared by thinkagain (7,340 points)
0 votes
So why aren't there automated gas stations with robotic arms at the pump that automatically fill up your tank when you pull up without getting out of the car? At least there aren't any in this eternally backwards town. But all the good stuff is in the other cities it seems. ha
Shared by TakeFive (8,280 points)
0 votes
Garage doors that close automatically after you leave within 5 minutes or whatever if somebody's absent-minded or in a hurry.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
Instead of freezing your ass off why not have a way to start your car using your cell? Then the car can be warming up while you're waiting inside at work.
Shared by a contributor
0 votes
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